Membership application
To join the membership, it is required to fill in a membership application form and pay the requisite membership fee.
After receiving the completed form and the fee, the Association will issue a new member with their membership card, give them an official receipt and activate their membership.

Membership cancellation
If you wish to cancel your membership, you will need to inform the Association in writing. Upon receiving your cancellation notification, the Association will then issue you with an official notice which includes the date on which your membership will officially become inactive.
The membership fee is not refundable.
If you wish to restart your membership after it has been cancelled, you are required to apply it again.

Membership termination
The Association reserves the right to terminate a membership if a member is found to be acting inappropriately or acts in violation of the core values of the Association, or hold more than one membership at the same time, or whose membership fee is outstanding for over 12 months. Any one of the four conditions that CIEHK can terminate their membership.
The membership fee is not refundable.



I / We wish to apply for the Membership of the CIE (Hong Kong) Ltd. If this application is accepted, *I / we agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the CIE (Hong Kong) and pay a sum of HK$ *50,000 / 2800 / 280 / 80 (Note. 1) in respect of *my / our *one-off / annual Subscription before membership entitlement becomes effective.

Note to Applicants:

  1. Payable Membership Fee
    Life Member – $50,000 one-off Corporate Member – $2,800 annual
    Ordinary Member – $280 annual Student Member – $80 annual
    All fees subject to change as governed by the Memorandum of Articles of CIE (Hong Kong) Ltd.

  2. For Corporate Members:

    1. Up to THREE additional representatives can be nominated. Once approved, those representatives will also entitle to, except for voting right, all the benefits enjoyed by a Member.

    2. A copy of Business Registration Certificate shall be submitted together with the application.

  3. Up to a maximum of 3 divisions from the following can be specified,

    Division 1 – Vision & Colour
    Division 2 – Physical Measurement of Light & Radiation

    Division 3 – Interior Environment & Lighting Design Division 4 – Transportation & Exterior Applications

    Division 6 – Photobiology & Photochemistry

    Division 8 – Image Technology

    for details of divisions, refer to CIE(HK) web-site

  4. Applicant for student membership shall be a full time student and a copy of his/her student card or other

    similar documentary evidence shall be attached.

  5. Method of applications:

    Send the completed application form together with a crossed cheque payable to CIE (Hong Kong) Ltd. for the appropriate membership fee (see note.1 above) to:

    CIE (Hong Kong) Ltd. Room 702, Hollywood Plaza 610 Nathan Road, Kowloon

    (Please mark “Membership Application” on the envelope)

  6. The cheque for the unsuccessful application will be returned to the applicant by post.

  7. Except for Life Members, the annual membership subscription will expire on 1st of April and applications approved in the months of November, December, January, February and March, a discount of 50% to the normal annual membership fee will be granted.

  8. Further details of CIE (HK) can be obtained at the official website

  9. For enquiry, please email to [email protected].